Notice of the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission on Deepening the Pilot Work of Remanufacturing

In order to implement the scientific development concept, promote the development of circular economy, and accelerate the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, in 2008, the Commission initiated the pilot work on remanufacturing of auto parts. At present, the pilot work has progressed smoothly and achieved certain results, and has received extensive attention throughout the country. In 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 11 departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Development of Remanufacturing Industry" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions"), which clarified the guiding ideology, key areas and main tasks of China's remanufacturing industry development in the future. . In 2011, the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” adopted by the National People's Congress clearly defined “remanufacturing industrialization” as one of the key projects of the circular economy. In order to implement the spirit of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" and the various work requirements and tasks put forward by the "Opinions", the Committee decided to deepen the remanufacturing pilot work. The relevant requirements are hereby notified as follows:
First, to ensure the effectiveness of the auto parts remanufacturing pilot
(1) Accelerate the implementation of construction tasks. In accordance with the "Notice of the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission on organizing the pilot work of remanufacturing of auto parts and components" (NDRC [2008] No. 523), the remanufacturing pilot period is 2-3 years, and the pilot in May this year period. All pilot units shall actively implement various conditions in accordance with the approved implementation plan, accelerate the construction of key projects, and ensure that the production will be effective as scheduled. The central budget investment support project should be completed and accepted as soon as possible, and the central government's capital will be effectively utilized.
(2) Organizing the evaluation and acceptance. The pilot units that have completed the implementation of the various objectives of the plan shall submit an application for acceptance to the provincial-level circular economy development comprehensive management department before September 20, and apply to the committee after review. Our committee will organize experts with relevant departments to carry out evaluation and acceptance (see Appendix 1 for the evaluation and acceptance work procedures). For the pilot units that have not yet achieved the program objectives, the pilot period may be extended appropriately, but the application should be applied at the latest by the end of 2011. The pilot units will be disqualified for pilot units that have no special reasons and have not applied for the deadline.
(3) Strengthening follow-up guidance. The state will announce the list of units that have passed the evaluation and acceptance, and include qualified products in the “Remanufacturing Product Catalogue”, publicize and introduce the pilot results and work experience, adopt production mode cases, hold on-site meetings, etc. to promote and promote. The comprehensive management departments of circular economy development in all regions should strengthen the tracking of the units through the evaluation and acceptance, and report the relevant information to our committee (the Department of Environmental Protection).
Second, appropriately expand the scope of remanufacturing pilots
In order to further explore the road to remanufacturing development suited to the national conditions, our committee decided to expand the scope of remanufacturing pilots, including the types and scope of remanufactured products, and continue to organize remanufacturing pilots. The pilot work will select some representative enterprises with remanufacturing foundations in the country, continue to explore the policies, management systems and supervision systems for the development of remanufacturing industries, and establish relevant technical standards for remanufacturing, market access conditions, and circulation supervision systems. Provide experience.
(1) Expand the content and scope of the pilot. The first is to appropriately expand the range of automotive parts remanufacturing products. Continue to remanufacture engines, transmissions, etc., and increase the transmission shaft, oil pump, water pump, booster pump and other components for remanufacturing;
The second is to carry out pilot projects for re-manufacturing of agricultural machinery such as tractors and combine harvesters;
Third, encourage remanufacturing technology companies to provide overall solutions and related services for metallurgical, mining, chemical and other industries, and carry out pilot programs for specialized remanufacturing services;
The fourth is to explore and improve the sales channels for remanufactured old parts recycling and remanufacturing products, and carry out pilot projects related to network construction;
The fifth is to strengthen the production and industrialization of specialized domestic equipment related to remanufacturing.
(2) Pay close attention to the organization declaration. The units that meet the reporting conditions (see Annex II) shall apply to the local provincial comprehensive circular economy development management department according to the territorial relationship and prepare a pilot application report. The application report includes the basic situation of the pilot unit (current production scale, product possession) and remanufacturing work basis (product authorization, old parts source, remanufactured product sales channel), remanufacturing development target (in principle, 3 years), etc. . At the same time, provide a copy of the business license, legal person registration certificate (the unit that applies for engine and gearbox remanufacturing should provide a remanufacturing power of attorney). Where a Sino-foreign joint venture or a wholly foreign-owned enterprise or enterprise declares in the form of a group, it shall report to the provincial department where the specific project is located.
The comprehensive management departments of the provincial circular economy development shall, on the basis of soliciting the opinions of the relevant departments, carefully review the conditions and materials of the reporting units, and report the application reports and recommended materials to the Commission (the Department of Environmental Protection) before November 15. The total number of recommendations in each province is no more than three.
(3) The list of assessments. Our committee will organize experts with relevant departments to review the application report submitted by the recommended unit, determine the primary selection list included in the remanufacturing pilot unit, and guide the pilot unit to prepare the implementation plan. For the units that have passed the expert review and approval of the implementation plan, our committee will formally reply to confirm the re-manufacturing pilot unit.
Third, increase support
(1) Implement the support policy. Our committee used the central budgetary investment to provide necessary financial support for the key projects of the pilot units, technology research and development, reverse recycling system for old parts and resource recycling projects. Actively implement investment and financing policies and measures to support the development of circular economy, and follow the requirements of the “Notice on Investment and Financing Policy Measures to Support Circular Economy Development” issued by the Ministry of Education and other departments (Reform and Reform [2010] No. 801) The remanufacturing companies of the pilot units are given diversified credit support including credit loans. Priority is given to incorporating mature remanufacturing technologies, processes, equipment and products into relevant nationally encouraged directories.
(2) Improve preferential policies. Our committee and the Ministry of Finance have formed a "Remanufacturing Product Catalogue" compilation team with the relevant departments. According to the pilot situation, the remanufactured products that meet the new product standards and large-scale production will be included in the catalogue and enjoy the corresponding preferential policies. Government agencies and institutions are encouraged to give priority to remanufacturing products.
(3) Encourage technology research and development. Encourage research institutes and enterprises to carry out joint research and industrialization demonstration. Support production companies, research and design units to carry out environmentally friendly design that is conducive to remanufacturing. Strengthen the remanufacturing product design technology and product residual life assessment, economic and environmental dismantling and cleaning, non-destructive testing and other technologies research and development, do a good job of foreign advanced technology and domestic mature applicable technology, and form a remanufacturing key technology equipment R & D and production system as soon as possible .
(4) Promote advanced and applicable technologies. Promote mature and remanufacturing technologies with Chinese characteristics, such as automated nanoparticle composite brush plating technology and plasma cladding technology. The National Engineering Research Center (Engineering Laboratory) in the remanufacturing field to be established by the State will provide technical support to enterprises and remanufacturing pilot units that have passed the acceptance assessment.
(5) Improve the service system. Promote the establishment of remanufactured product counters at some maintenance outlets (including automobile "4S" stores), establish re-manufacturing product chain demonstration stores and after-sales service points. Accelerate the establishment of a remanufactured product information retrieval system.
(6) Increase publicity and promotion. The state will establish remanufacturing technology, product and process equipment exhibitions, set up remanufacturing product experience halls and remanufacturing industry development forums and other forms to popularize remanufacturing knowledge and guide users and consumers to use remanufactured products.
Fourth, strengthen supervision and management
Remanufacturing with scrapped auto parts as raw materials shall comply with relevant national laws and regulations. Remanufactured products must be identified as remanufactured products in a prominent position in accordance with the law, and products that are not labeled will be punished according to law. For auto parts enterprises that have been newly identified and approved by the pilot, they can identify the signs issued by the Commission and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Our committee will organize random inspections with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. If it fails to meet the requirements, it will be ordered to rectify within a time limit. If the rectification still fails to meet the requirements, the remanufacturing pilot qualification will be cancelled.
The comprehensive management departments of circular economy development at all levels shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, strengthen the supervision and management of re-manufacturing pilot units to ensure that the pilot units strictly implement national industrial policies, environmental protection regulations and standards.