Working Together to Create the Future - Chaozhong Development 2022 Annual Commendation Conference

The chronological order is replaced by Huazhang New, and we are working hard to embark on a new journey.

Go together with one heart

On January 12, 2023, the 2022 Annual Commendation Conference of Chaozhong Development was held in the conference room on the second floor of the company. Mr. Chen Guangping, the general manager of the company, managers of all departments, exemplary individual who were commended and some employee representatives attended the conference.

Go together with one heart

Chen Guangping, Secretary of the Party Branch and General Manager, delivered a speech. Comprehensively summarize and review the achievements and shortcomings of various work in 2022, arrange and deploy various work in 2023, and propose the slogan of "innovation, improvement, development" for the new year.

Go together with one heart

Mr. Chen pointed out that 2022 will be an extraordinary, extremely difficult, and challenging year. Affected by many uncertain factors such as the macroeconomic situation, the national epidemic, and the real estate market, the overall market demand is sluggish. Over the past year, all employees have gathered together to overcome difficulties, ultimately overcoming the adverse effects of the market, achieving the company's expected goals, highlighting the resilience and vitality of Chaozhong Development Company, and laying a solid foundation for 2023. Here, on behalf of the company, Mr. Chen would like to extend his highest respect and heartfelt gratitude to all the employees of Chaochong Development who have worked hard and bravely climbed the peak in the past year!

Go together with one heart

In order to recognize employees who have made outstanding contributions and hard work in their posts, the company's General Manager and Deputy General Manager of Sales have successively issued honorary certificates and bonuses to various types of pacesetters, civilized employees, meritorious service awards, and outstanding Communist Party members. I highly appreciate the outstanding contributions made by the employees who have received outstanding awards to the company, and express my heartfelt congratulations to them. I hope all employees can follow their example, make progress, and go all out in the new year to create another brilliant future!

Go together with one heart

Commended representative Chen Changtao gave an award-winning speech, saying that he adhered to a high sense of responsibility, full of vitality, and outstanding achievements, continued to practice his love and loyalty to the enterprise, and made contributions to the company's high-quality development.

Go together with one heart

Achievements represent the past, and only by striving can we win the future. In 2023, let us unite, think with one heart, and work hard together. With the confidence to win, we will meet new opportunities and challenges with more tenacious perseverance and full work enthusiasm, and write a new chapter of high-quality development on the new journey.

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Working Together to Create the Future - Chaozhong Development 2022 Annual Commendation Conference

On January 12, 2023, the 2022 Annual Commendation Conference of Chaozhong Development was held in the conference room on the second floor of the company. Mr. Chen Guangping, the general manager of the company, managers of all departments, exemplary individual who were commended and some employee representatives attended the conference.