Fire drills start from the heart, take preventive measures and put them into practice - Chaozhong Development Company Fire Drill

In order to enable personnel in various positions of the company to have a deep understanding of fire emergency knowledge, effectively establish fire awareness, truly master the overall operation process of emergency firefighting and rescue at the scene of a fire accident, and have the ability to respond to emergencies through self rescue, mutual rescue, and emergency response, organize, sequence, and quickly guide employees to evacuate safely and quickly, learn to use fire extinguishers correctly, and master evacuation methods. Building a strong fire safety "firewall", Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Equipment Development Co., Ltd. conducted on-site safety and fire drills.


In this fire drill, the drill personnel first learned how to use fire-fighting equipment, aimed dry powder fire extinguishers at the root of the flame, horizontally sprayed left and right, and quickly advanced from near to far until the flame was completely extinguished.


On site, the quick connection and operation specifications of fire hoses were explained, and the installation of fire hydrant hoses, connection of water guns, and extinguishing of flames were completed.


Next, the exercise personnel simulated the evacuation of a large fire on site. Under the leadership of the person in charge, the drill personnel followed the evacuation principle of "safety first, nearby escape". Everyone covered their mouths and noses with damp towels or clothing, and followed the instructions on the safety exit signs to evacuate nervously and orderly from the safety exit.





This fire safety drill not only improved employees' awareness of fire safety and emergency response capabilities, but also laid a solid foundation for enterprise safety production and accumulated valuable experience in preventing and containing fire safety accidents. In the future, Chaozhong Development Company will continue to conduct such exercises to ensure that every employee can proficiently master fire safety knowledge and jointly maintain the safety production of the enterprise.